Moving Performance Blog

Why You Should Prepare Yourself for Change
A new year means new opportunities. At the very least it’s a chance to raise our head above our desks, survey our surroundings and if we’re facing an all too familiar scenario, perhaps determine whether a new direction is required. But what if that change is unwelcome or just something you’re not ready for yet? Being…
Read MoreNews – Ben Hines Joins Rostrum of Inspiring Speakers
We are delighted that Ben Hines, Founder of Moving Performance, is joining the rostrum of inspiring speakers at the Executive Speakers Bureau for 2016! At Moving Performance, we use music as a metaphor for business and as a tool to help individuals, teams, and organisations grow and develop. Working with some of the world’s leading…
Read MoreHow To Inspire Employee Engagement
Maintaining employee engagement is vital for ongoing growth and success; happy staff lead to happy customers. In fact, measuring productivity can be a key indicator of employee engagement, according to Advance Systems. When your business is thriving, it’s probably because your staff are too. However engaging your staff in the midst of change can be an…
Read MoreThe Power of Music — Using Music as a Metaphor for Leadership
On Wednesday 25th November 2015 Moving Performance presents Know the Score® – a day in London with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, exploring how their expertise and world-class levels of performance can help you to fine-tune your business – featuring Beethoven’s 5th Symphony. “I recently attended Know the Score®, using music as a metaphor for leadership…
Read MoreInnovation: How to Make Smart Choices in the Small Things
Small steps can lead to significant innovation, to success that far outweighs the size of the changes. Businesses that encourage a culture of innovation across their teams are the ones that run ahead and set the pace for those around them. But how do you make smart choices in the small things so they add…
Read MoreOur Keynote At Cisco: Orchestrating High Performance
Closing Cisco’s global IT conference in California last month was a huge privilege for me and a unique experience for 550 senior leaders from around the globe. Gathered together with their inspiring new Chief Information Officer, Guillermo Diaz, known to all as G, the audience spontaneously gave him a standing ovation as he took the…
Read MoreManaging Change
Sometimes change is vital and long overdue. When Viola Davis made her speech during the Emmy’s on Sunday night she was marking a moment of change and calling for more to follow. Change is not easy. Personally or corporately. It comes with struggle, often with loss, and many times with misunderstanding. However change can be…
Read MorePerforming Under Pressure
Stress can bring out the best – or the worst – in you. Remember the last time you felt like that, on the morning of a job interview, a peer review, or the night before you pitched for a new project? Jonas Kaufmann, a hugely acclaimed tenor and one of the most versatile performers of…
Read MoreThe Power Of Music Music is More Powerful Than Pain
Music can move you so significantly that it causes you to forget where you are in that moment and engages your emotions in an entirely different way. Recent medical research shows that patients who listened to music before, during and after surgery experienced less anxiety and needed less pain relief. Significantly lead author Dr Catherine…
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