Moving Performance Blog

The Tyranny Of A High-Performing Team
Despite their success, many of us would not immediately describe the England World Cup squad as a high-performing team. Our expectation or experience of high-performance may only identify endurance athletes or men in suits – waistcoated or otherwise – with the world of targets, drive, ambition and success. A far reach for most, not obtainable…
Read MoreHow to Produce A Passionate Performance
After examining over 50 games at the Uefa Euro 2016 and the players involved, looking at both verbal and non-verbal clues of passion before kick-off, researchers at the Staffordshire University came to the conclusion that passion impacts performance. Their study shows that “teams that sang national anthems with greater passion went on to concede fewer…
Read MoreWhat Matters More: High-Potential or High-Performance?
One of our testimonials is quite simple. It was given some years ago by a UK Bank Manager, who became aware of her potential: “Moving Performance through music made me realise that I can do anything that I put my mind into, even if I have never done it before. Standing up on stage and…
Read MoreIntroducing Our New Client Operations Manager
This month Moving Performance has appointed Katie Birkby, as our new Client Operations Manager, to strengthen our infrastructure and build on what we’ve achieved so far. This will enable us to maintain strong collaborative relationships with all our existing clients, associates and musicians. Whilst at the same time, it enables us to pursue more of…
Read MoreHow Music Can Empower Your Performance
Love has the power to lead us into extraordinary things. Many have crossed deserts, climbed mountains and given up their comfortable lives for the sake of the one they love. Music sets the tone for many of these love stories and provides the soundtrack to many broken hearts. But does it have the power to…
Read MoreThe Ingredients For Change
Change is inevitable. January, of course, brings with it the start of a new year. None of us knows what this year will hold, especially with Brexit uncertainty still in the air. Some of us have returned to the office after the holidays with energy and renewed vision. Others are in the thick of things…
Read MoreThe Power of Gratitude
Whether you celebrate Thanksgiving or not, gratitude can be a powerful thing. Applause is often an instinctive reaction. After a special performance, we are moved to tears, to stand, to clap, to cheer. Even if it’s simply a child’s first nativity. On that occasion it’s not even the quality of the performance, it’s the effort that…
Read MoreThe Underdog’s Guide To Leadership Legacy
Leadership Legacy When someone influential dies we often consider their legacy. As a musician, it can be far-reaching. Perhaps they introduced something never heard of before or re-arranged something old into something new. Or possibly their influence extended beyond music, into humanitarian or social issues. When Tom Petty died recently, his greatest legacy seemed to be…
Read MoreWhy You Need To Play More
If you could press Pause on life, and only pick up those things that you’d like to pursue, what would it look like to live the life you’d like to lead? A break during the summer provides the opportunity to reflect on what really matters and find the secret to a life of adventure and…
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