Client Studies

How we've helped world-class companies develop their teams through our leadership programmes
Compose to Lead®
Know the Score®
Amplify Your Story

Compose to Lead® Client Study
World’s Leading Professional Services Firm
The world’s leading professional services firm asked Moving Performance to create an inspiring module with a wow factor, to act as a capstone activity to a week-long leadership programme. They wanted their people to learn how to inspire a team of experts, lead through ambiguity, create compelling storylines, all while excelling at client service and impact – something they need to do with their clients every day. They also challenged us to deliver this to thousands of participants annually across Asia, Europe and the US, and needed a delivery model that would work both in person and virtually.
Our Compose to Lead® programme hit the mark. We designed a powerful client “engagement”, where participants were tasked with composing a piece of music with their "client". The activity mirrored what they do each day - they have a powerful problem solving approach, but are not necessarily an expert in the client's content. "Compose to Lead" brought to life how they co-create, collaborate and empower their clients, iterating rapidly and producing a great outcome. It consolidated the learning of the previous week in a way that was fun, disarming and made participants shine. Delivering over 35 times per annum over multiple years and impacting in excess of 4,000 leaders, working with our local facilitators and musicians from Japan, Shanghai, Singapore, Hong Kong, New York and London, we consistently rate the highest part of the programme.
Compose to Lead® Client Study
MS Amlin
MS Amlin, the insurance business, asked Moving Performance to design a three-day leadership programme for their Talent across UK, Europe, Asia and the Americas. The objective was to teach these leaders the nuances of team performance and leadership, all whilst working within a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) market.
We used our Compose to Lead® module to bring together the learning from the previous days on the final day. Participants put into practice areas such as envisioning their team, and assured communication, all whilst working in the ambiguous context of the exercise, bringing to life the sort of challenge they face daily in the work place. Participants remarked months and even years later that they still remember the feedback they were given in that exercise and how it serves them in their leadership today.

Know the Score® Client Study
Lloyd’s of London
Lloyd’s of London is the world’s leading insurance market and regulator. Their flagship Leadership Programme is offered to employees of the Lloyd’s corporation and to members of the Lloyd's market. The programme needed a shakedown. The request was for a high impact, deep learning, experiential programme with a wow factor.
We designed an extraordinary learning experience. The three-day module is sandwiched between modules delivered by our partner Henley Business School. Starting with Know the Score® where we seat participants inside the Royal Philharmonic Orchetsra, or if delivered virtually, we place them in the orchestra on film, we guide them on a rich immersive learning experience. Participants engage deeply with the content and leave challenged to make transformational change in how they lead themselves and their teams.
Know the Score® Client Study
DP World, Dubai
DP World, the biggest port operator globally, brought together their top 200 globally for a conference in Dubai. Their challenge was to inspire a multi-cultural group to collaborate more effectively in implementing their strategy. They asked Moving Performance to deliver a keynote address and workshop at their annual conference.
We brought five of the best brass players from London, and facilitated a powerful 2 hour workshop exploring the themes of high performing teams, collaboration, vision, humility and many more. The delegates were left with a deeply impactful and thought provoking experience, and loved the opportunity to hear professional musicians perform in the midst of their business convention.

Know the Score® Client Study
Jaguar Land Rover
The international sales team of JLR are used to working virtually. However structural changes, with a newly merged division required the team to get together and reflect on how they wanted to operate moving forward. They also wanted to reward the team with something uniquely special.
We seated them inside the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in London and guided them through an immersive, engaging learning experience where they observed first-hand a world class team. We spent the rest of the day unpacking the observations and applying them in practical steps they can take as a team to make the transformational change they need.
Amplify Your Story Client Study
CISCO, San Jose, US
CISCO, brought together their global IT leadership of 550 people for their big annual convention. The theme was disruption. If they don’t adopt an approach to disrupt the market, they will be disrupted.
They wanted something spectacular, different and inspiring. They also had a whole range of heavy hitting speakers: Tesla, Coca-Cola, Cisco and well-known social media companies, to name a few. We were asked to give the closing Keynote.
We spoke about the importance of leadership, team performance and mindsets as the key components to effectively and rapidly disrupt in and respond to a changing world. We then modeled it.
Suddenly, in the middle of the keynote, 25 participants stood up, one-by-one, and started to sing. This flashmob, singing a song all about disruption, disrupted everything, and within minutes all 550 people were on their feet singing their song. A professional band came onto stage and the place was rocking.
Moving Performance empowered and led this magic to happen. The impact was stunning and is still talked about years later.

Amplify Your Story Client Study
Telekom Austria, Rovinj, Croatia
The largest mobile phone operator in Austria and leading provider in many Easter European countries brought together their top 200 leaders for their annual conference. Lead by the CEO, there were key business updates, visions for the future, and side meetings throughout the three days.
Moving Performance was asked to bring to life a new HR framework of leadership in such a way that would be inclusive, engaging and provide a wow-factor that they had never experienced before. Their previous speaker the year before had been the best ever, and we had been given a tall order. We also had been selected over some world-famous speakers.
Ahead of the programme, we coached and developed a select group of leaders who would inspire and lead key breakouts. On the day, we brought their leadership framework alive using the metaphor of music. There was stunned silence in the room and the engagement was deep. They even put their phones down!
We set them a challenge, to write in groups songs about the key steps they would take - what they would put down and what they would pick up in this upcoming journey. The performances were profound - every individual in the room stepping up, moving outside their comfort zone, and modelling the precise behaviours the leadership was asking them to do.
It was their best ever conference.